
Psychology in Education

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It is of great importance, why a person entered a university, how adequately he or she imagines education, what his or her initial data were. Much depends on qualifications of teaching staff and organization of educational process. However, an important factor is the psychological component of a student, which is very difficult to change, if it is possible in principle.

Constitution and Neurodynamic Features

Generally accepted classification of human physique, according to which people are divided into asthenics (leptosomatics), athletics, picnics and dysplastics (sharply disharmonious), slightly affects the behavior of students. However, a little information indicates that more energetic picnics and athletics are wasting energy more quickly.

Neurodynamic division of students by temperament corresponds to the well-known classification:

  • Choleric;
  • Phlegmatic;
  • Melancholic;
  • Sanguine.

Temperament has more significant impact on academic success. For example, sanguine and phlegmatic people are able to do dull work for a long time not paying attention to difficulties. As for choleric and melancholic ones, even usual writing of an essay can be impossible task for them. It is these students who most often turn to various agencies for writing academic works. By the way, is one of the best.

Features of Intelligence and Creativity

At first glance, it seems that general mental abilities of a student have the least significant contribution to the success of his or her education. It seems that it is enough to apply a little more effort, and everyone can reach the desired level. In fact, when evaluating intellectual capabilities, it is of great importance which of the types of intelligence prevails in the personality of a student. Types of intellectual development are distinguished this way: general and social intelligence, creativity and special abilities.

General intelligence has the least impact on the success of studying since a program is most often designed for an average level of development. As for social intelligence, its formation largely depends on nature. This concept means the ability to communicate, which is extremely difficult to change.

The most significant contribution to successful learning is made by special abilities and creativity. Special, in this case, means abilities that help learn in one way or another. For example, the ability to quickly memorize material by ear and reproduce it without repeating it first. Creativity is very important in writing scientific papers. It is non-standard approach to a task and ability to get out of difficult situations that allow a student to easily write course works and easily defend them. If such abilities are not available, then annual writings turn into hard labor.

Self-Esteem and Motivation

Many well-known professors believe that high self-esteem of a student and self-reliance help him or her to overcome many difficulties without much effort during his or her studies. However, self-esteem should be adequate and as objective as possible to improve learning, and not to interfere with it. Extra doubts deprive a student of the opportunity to somehow stand out of the crowd, and excessive self-confidence can, for example, spoil good relations with a teacher.

Motivation, perhaps, is the most significant psychological factor. It can be of different strengths and orientations, but students often lack it or it is weakly expressed. Correct, strong motivation can make students perform tasks of any difficulty that require a lot of time and effort. And they will cope with them quickly and easily.

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