
Paper on Ways of Improving Company’s Reputation on the Internet

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We all know how important reputation is for any company. Once you have made a negative impression, it is very hard to be back in business again. Everyone reminds you of your failures so that nobody would like to start working with you. And unfortunately, such a bad reputation can hunt you till the end of time.

Nowadays, the Internet is the powerful instrument in business operations. That is why it is very important to pay close attention to the information about your company that is spread on the World Wide Web. Due to such a kind of reviews, you can lose a huge number of possible customers and the income as well. But if the negative feedback is already published, do not despair and give up hope: everything can be managed. How? Let’s discuss it.

Write Papers to Be Inclined to Improving Company’s Reputation

The first task with which you have to cope is to determine what exactly damages your reputation. The best way to deal with this issue is to analyze the situation and market as well. What are the spheres of your business that receive the negative feedback? What are the reasons for such a phenomenon? Who is responsible for these failures? These and many other questions have to be answered properly.

If you want to analyze the situation thoroughly, I recommend you to appeal to a writing method. This method encompasses almost all features to which you have to pay close attention. The principle is the following: you take a clean sheet of paper and write down all the information that refers to the negative feedback. I understand that such an essay can turn into a real novel but due to such a writing practice, you will be able to analyze all working issues thoroughly.

Moreover, the key point of such a method is repeatability, which means you can come back to a particular moment from time to time. Such peculiarity gives you a possibility to estimate situation more properly and come up with fresh ideas of solving a particular problem.

Start with Yourself

Obviously, to improve company’s reputation on the Internet, you need to start with yourself. In this regard, create a page with reviews or the function to add them after using your services on your site and always optimize it for search engines. A little trick: place all the opinions, even if they were left several months ago (or even years). The main thing is that it must be typed text, not a scanned picture. In this case, you will get more content and, accordingly, search engines will show the page to the users more often.

Explore the Neighborhood

At least once a month, you need to see what customers write about the company on other sites. How to succeed in it? Just type the name of your company in the search box and visit all the websites where the name of your company has been mentioned. And do not limit yourself to one search engine. Outline the results of such a kind of survey or take screenshots. Then it will be clear which sites have a feedback about you.

Select a Site


Having dealt with the reviews on the sites, create accounts on each of the sites. But first, conduct reconnaissance operations: contact the administration of these resources and specify under what conditions they allow you to moderate or pre-moderate reviews. Maybe, they will ask for a lot of money. There are sites cooperation with which is not cheap. For example, one of these sites, included in the top 10, does not provide companies with a reputation management module. And the removal of one of the reviews costs from 100 to 250 dollars.

If the conditions suit your preferences, create a company card, indicating the most detailed information: description, logo, contact information. Be sure to find out if it is possible to add reviews from your customers (that you have already collected). It should be noted that the opinions were transferred manually, but they were received from real sources. As a result, the company's page will be well indexed in search engines.

Be Among People

Many People

Create company pages in social networks. Firstly, it is easier to follow the negative, since a significant percentage of dissatisfied customers is going to say "you are a bad company" in social networks. Secondly, these sites are easier to use if it relates to managing reviews. For example, the "New Yellow Taxi" is a large taxi company that does not have its own accounts on social networks. Customers can communicate with the brand only via calls, so it is more difficult for the companies to work out the negative.

Generally, a social network is one of the most powerful instruments of influence. In this regard, it is very important to use it appropriately. If you are not aware of what I am talking about, go here. It will help you achieve the desirable results.

Do Not Be Silent

Respond to everything that is written about you. Work with all the platforms where the reviews can be left. When you do not respond to feedback, especially negative, the client loses loyalty and continues to spread negativity on other sites.

And one more thing: do not delete reviews without processing them. This will anger the person and make you express your opinion again.

In case you need any kind of content or business writing, do not hesitate to contact us!

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