
Narrative Essay: 4 Basic Steps

by in Other
speaking to audience

Most of the essays are of the same kind, you might think. There’s nothing new if you read that there has to be an introduction or a conclusion – it goes without saying. What exactly is the narrative essay then?

The narrative is used to describe your real-life experience in vivid and catching manner, that had a great impact on your world-sight. Everything might matter here (remember the plot of the ‘Butterfly Effect’ film?). Your task is to set a connection between the event – no matter how unimportant is may seem to your audience – and the experience that you drew out of this event.

Brainstorm the Task

Write down everything you can until you feel you run out of words. Your narrative essay has to tell about real events and your reflections upon these events, so try to recall the details, even the smallest ones, and write them down - you don’t have to bother on the structure right now, just write. Your essay will be more imposing if you have a clear picture of what you tell about. In other words, your personal emotional connection matters here.

Compose the Body

Now that you have described everything you could, you have to clean up the garbage. It is time to…

Make a plan of your essay (yes, exactly, Introduction, the Main Part and Conclusions). It’s absolutely up to you to choose where to tell about what, you might for example…

  • Keep the tension and then release the subtle meaning of all that you described;
  • Make a short and clear statement of happenings and their consequences upon you, then describe more, explain more – until the end of your narrative;
  • Start with bright emotional description and then proceed with statements that make your audience think;
  • Ask a question that will get them interested and deliver them the answer – within your experiences.

Keep in mind some technical issues, like don’t use too sophisticated sentences, don’t use too long words, don’t let them get bored.

Improve It

So, you have written it down and feel quite satisfied with yourself, don’t you? Of course, you are! There’s been a decent piece of work over there and still you might have a feeling that something can be done even better – then, do it. Revision is a part of working progress. You know that successful writers revise their output as often as they can to make is as close to what they intended as possible.

In this step, you can also find some occasional mistakes concerning spelling, grammar, et c.

Let Your Friend Revise

Making mechanical mistakes is okay, everybody does that. Missing these mistakes even after few revisions is okay, too. If your work is going to be read by a tutor, the solution is to give your writing to a friend so he can look though it and probably find some omissions.

friend’s revision

See, there’s nothing difficult! Write from the heart, emphasize the most important things, revise, revise again and it will turn into a candy!

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