
Paper on the Secrets of a Successful Public Performance

by in Other

Presentation of a project or report in History in front of your groupmates, taking an oral exam in Foreign Literature or even an essay defense requires an excellent public performance skill. During such kind of events, we listen to some speakers attentively, showing a rising interest and trying to catch every word, while some boring and even monotonous statements of others make us sleepy, irritated or, in some cases, even angry. A similar situation is observed in everyday communication: we are eager to meet an interesting talk partner once again and desire to finish or interrupt the conversation with a bore.

Everyone wants to have the reputation of an outstanding speaker that may influence the audience during public performances and someone who has the power to energize people with a vivid, outstanding and challenging appeal to one’s listeners. If you don’t believe that all the aforementioned may come true, so you shall read the tips below. Make sure they will become a real Aladdin’s lamp provided that you work hard on self-improvement and be uncompromising in order to achieve the final goal after reading this post at!

Avoid Filler-Words

That is a well-known fact that most people you talk to use linguistic parasites or filler-words. Such monologues turn quite decent and colorful expressions into a stream of water, where the main idea of the utterance is lost. One often uses filler-words when he or she is very worried, has a small vocabulary, hurries to speak out, or, conversely, does not know what to talk about.

Superfluous words are present in a speech of every person without exceptions. However, unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to them. Many are so accustomed to the verbal garbage that they become safe with it. With the constant use of filler-words, the main meaning of the utterance is absolutely disfigured.

Such junk words as “that is,” “so,” “you know,” “like,” “actually,” and “well” reduce the perception of speech and "hurt" the hearing process of the audience. A person who overuses garbage words makes an unpleasant impression. Try controlling what you say. It’s hard only for the first time but sometime later you will see that it works and your speech gets more clear and mind-blowing.

Form Oratory Skills

For most people, the public performance causes excitement, fear, and even some stressful feelings. Sometimes a reason for concern is the lack of knowledge about the subject of your speech. You should be well aware of the topic for a planned discussion; otherwise, a simple question of the listener may put you at a dead end. So, try to find as much information about the matter as you can.

Remember that oratory is a valuable skill that needs constant improvement. It is important not only for winning the public attention but also to be able to retain it. A professional speaker should have a competent speech, well-placed voice, clear diction, and a skill to express one’s thoughts clearly and communicate them to the audience.

Refer to the Listeners

Speaker Talks to Audience

Call the person by their name. It's better to say: "John, can you please comment what you think of that idea?” than "Let’s leave our comments on that idea”. Before the performance, take a deep breath; a small pause will give you confidence. Instead of "Well, let's start" pronounce: "Good afternoon, dear groupmates (participants of a lecture, a meeting or a gathering).”

Make an introduction in advance. For instance, one can say: “Let me introduce myself. My name is John Lawson and I am a (position). Our today’s meeting is dedicated to (the topic of discussion).” Depending on the situation, do not forget to thank those present for their attention or maybe some kind of organizational assistance.

Voice Timbre and Gestures

Gestures During a Speech

Try moving from one place to another during a public performance. However, one shall avoid walking back and forth, holding hands behind one’s back or in one’s pockets. Everything shall be in moderation. Take the central place on the stage, sometimes change your location, hands slightly bend at the elbows, opened in the direction of the audience. Your face expression shall reflect interest, kindness, and optimism. Add emotion to your performance, smile, periodically raise and lower your voice.

Speaking skills are useful to everyone in everyday life. For example, during an interview, such a person will make a favorable impression on the employer. An employee who speaks accurately and culturally has more chances to climb up the career ladder. Individuals with oratory skills are more confident and interested in communication. They are capable of capturing the interlocutor and finding an approach to anyone.

Such people often win in disputes, as they are able to convince, defend their point of view and competently influence the opponent. They quickly make new acquaintances and easily come out of conflict situations.

Where and How to Learn

Public Speaking Class

To develop a successful public performance skill, one shall read classics and scientific literature, broaden one’s horizons by traveling, improve one’s vocabulary and exclude filler-words. The Internet is an effective source of required information, so surf the Internet for some interesting films, the lists of books in the category of “must-read” and find your role model, a famous person who is known as the great speaker.

Nowadays there is a big variety of professional courses and workshops where one gets advice and effective practices on how to improve one’s oratory skills and become a good speaker. Use the Internet when searching for the nearest training in your city. Never feel afraid of starting the process. We’re all people and no one is perfect. All you need is self-confidence and a true desire to become a really skillful speaker.

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