Go to a website of any news outlet and search for international events. I bet you`ll see North Korea in half of those news. This country has gained its popularity in newspapers and magazines not because of its touristic attractions, super powerful economy, or extra incredible sportsmen. The reason it`s such a talk of a town or of the planet, in this case, is that this country is the most mysterious and the most dangerous in the world.
Nobody knows what their next move will be, what political decision they will make next, and what idea will hit their leader, the one and only Mr. Kim Jong-un. He is a person full of surprises and “a rocket-man”, as he was called by Donald Trump.
I`m sure he said it with pure love in his heart. It`s more like he tweeted it, actually. In fact, this weird online relationship between the President of the United States and the Supreme Leader of North Korea has practically turned into a reality show that everyone on this planet is watching.
They give each other nicknames, insult one another on social media. Meanwhile, people are going crazy because the nuclear threat is real, and you can cut the tension with the knife in this situation. So why does North Korea think that it is capable of threatening the whole world? How come democratic countries have done nada about its growing military strength?
If you are looking for a historian or a political scientist who will be able to analyze this complex political agenda for you, we’ve got just the right people. On Getessaynow.com you will be able to obtain a kind of writer who is well aware of the topic as well as has the writing skills to tackle it.
Historical Perspective
It`s not big news that there are two Koreas. De facto, it`s the same nation, they carry the same genetic code, they speak the same language and look the same (only the northerners are shorter because of malnutrition). Yet families aren`t allowed to talk to their relatives who live on the other side of that terrifying border, which is being guarded by deadly weapons and hundreds of soldiers.
The Soviet Union VS United States rivalry didn`t end only on the territory of these countries. It went way beyond their borders. In fact, it got to the border of Korea. The 38th parallel determined the life of millions of people of the Korean Peninsula. Two participants of the Cold War divided the country according to the circle of latitude. They basically treated the country as a cake which they divided in half, and each of them got their part.
Harsh dictatorship is the only way that the political system of North Korea can be described. De jure though, it is ruled by a political party called Workers` Party of Korea. The other parties don`t exist. It`s not like they don`t want to, it`s because if somebody expresses their desire to go against the existing government, they (and the two next generations) will spend the rest of their lives behind the bars in horrible conditions.
Current Situation
At the moment, North Korea, or Democratic People`s Republic of Korea, as it`s officially called, (these people know how to be sarcastic) is in total international isolation. Okay, except China. These two countries have bonded well throughout the years. This “friendship” must be based on some common interests like communism, dictatorship, and totalitarian regime. Back in the day, North Korea had one more extremely powerful friend. In fact, this close relationship was the only reason why DPRK survived.

The Soviet Union supported its protege economically and militarily. USSR was one strong companion, and after its collapse China tried to fill in for the commies. However, the world`s biggest trader didn`t do this because of great love to North Korea. It was mostly because of hostility towards the USA.
Russia, China, and the USA have developed their own scenarios which can potentially predict what might happen if the North Korean regime collapses. Taking into consideration that all countries with dictatorships are falling apart sooner or later, and history has many examples of these, the plot which involves DPRK seems more than realistic.
What Is Coming Next?
First and foremost, the reunion of South and North Korea will cost a lot. That`s just a huge amount of money we`re talking about.
Secondly, the neighboring countries will have to take care of hundreds of thousands of refugees which will either flee or be set free.
Thirdly, the countries will have to decide what to do with the deadly nuclear weapon. There is a big chance that China, for example, may want to get its hands on those nuclear warheads. No country is going to like it, so the conflict on the peninsula will be back.
It seems that it`s always like that when it comes to North Korea.
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