Oscar Wilde was sure that there was no point to read a book he was supposed to write a review of. That`s a great idea actually! The prominent author claimed that he got under the influence of books way too easily so he wanted to stay unbiased. However, your reason for writing an essay on a book that you`ve never even opened can be different. You`re just too lazy or busy.All those computer games won`t play themselves, obviously.
Oscar Wilde is famous for another quotation that I wish you would take rather seriously. He said that if one couldn’t enjoy reading a book over and over again, there was no use in reading them at all. So, if you`ve got an assignment in a form of an essay, perhaps, you`d like to consider reading that book actually. There is literature that every intelligent and educated person should be familiar with.
But if you`ve been procrastinating for way too long time and now you have to write a review at a really short notice, then it`s great that you decided to stop by and read this article. We are willing to provide you with the professional help.
You can, of course, attempt to write a book review without actually reading the book and this article will provide you with tips on how to pull it off. However, what’s the point in trying to make up things and waste your time, if you can just resort to professional writing help on Getessaynow. No reason to spoil an interesting read just because some teacher gave you a book review assignment. Take a minute to place an order on our website and go do something productive.
If you are determined to write a review on your own, “How to Talk About Books You Haven`t Read” is a guide by a French author, professor of literature, and psychoanalyst Pierre Bayard, which you may find rather helpful.
This man knows everything about books, so you are so going to find his ideas useful. In this work, he tells various tricks which will help you to contribute to the conversation even though you`re not knowledgeable about the topic. These tips are absolutely applicable when it comes to writing, and that`s what we`re focusing on now.
Not Reading Is Useful

Imagine yourself at some fancy dinner. Perhaps, it`s even being held at the Buckingham Palace. Well, we can at least dream about it, right? So, you`re engaging in a lovely conversation with well-educated people, and they start talking about literature. It`s not modern literature, so you can`t just say that you didn`t have time to catch up on that yet. It`s all about classic books. And you feel ashamed in this awkward situation because you haven`t read those books though you were supposed to.
Pierre Bayard has something rather refreshing to say about this. The French author is sure that not-reading will do no harm to your intelligence. What is more, it`s actually useful. Before you start deleting all e-books from your smartphone, let me just tell you that you may have gotten his idea wrong. It`s fine not to read a book completely and thoroughly. Diagonal reading is your go-to tool when you don`t have time for proper reading.
This method is good for improving your speed-reading abilities and all-in-all intellectual capacities. This is a way to train your brain to think really quickly, to focus on details, and to switch from one task to the other. Besides, if you`re trying to write a review on a book you know nothing about, this is a good challenge for your intuition.
Read the title, the first and the last couple of pages, and try to guess what the plot might actually be. It may sound like a crazy idea but what if it turns out that you`re a genius, and you got it all right?
This is, of course, a very tricky and unreliable method. So, instead of trying to guess, you can just delegate the task to somebody who actually did the reading. Our writers are all brilliant professionals, and the testimonials on our website prove it. Risk is an honorable thing, but not when it comes to your GPA.
Books Are Meant for Discussion

Pierre Bayard is absolutely sure that books aren`t some stable substance. There are simply no right or wrong opinions on certain literary works. Every book is open to an interpretation. Your professor at university is smart and he/she understands it, so you can really pull it off. Taking into consideration that the author has been studying psychoanalysis as well, he compares the whole process of book interpretation to that psychological field. How come?
When you read a book, the whole impact that it has on you largely depends on your mood at that moment, as well as on the surroundings and time. Your impression of the literary work makes sense only for a short period of time. You`ll move on with your life and will have new books.
So, the way you understand a certain novel is never stable. Besides, you`re not supposed to give the detailed information, nobody wants you to retell the plot, you need to give your opinion, and, yes, it can be biased and non-objective. It`s your personal interpretation, so you`re free to share any thoughts about it.
If You`re Confident Enough, People Will Believe You
That`s an interesting trick actually. Psychological research has shown that if a person is absolutely sure that their opinion is right, they can convince others that it`s an unshakeable truth. Despite the fact that an opponent may be right actually, a self-confident person with strong persuasive arguments (even though they are totally wrongful) will win the dispute. People aren`t logical creatures, you just have to make peace with it already.
The French author claims that a book isn`t a frozen object, it`s more like a fast-flowing river with many confluences. It never stops, it can be unexpected, it can be full of wonders, but it is never stable.
So, getting back to that Oscar Wilde`s idea, the author of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” used to say that you should read for no more than ten minutes if you wanted to write a review of that book. Otherwise, you have a risk to forget the very first impression.
However, yet again, there is a chance the truth may come out. If you want to avoid it, there is a simple solution – just give the task to the writers on our website. In case you have any questions, you can contact us via chat or phone, or take a look at FAQ page.
What is the paradox of reading? It helps you get to know yourself better. But you have to be careful not to get stuck in that imaginary world. Student life offers way too many opportunities to focus just on studying. You can meet with interesting people from all over the world, discover career-boosting internships and simply develop yourself in various disciplines. Reading is just one of the ways to improve, but it is definitely not the only one.