
Ideal Teacher. Features and Habitats


Dear reader, have you ever thought that life is slightly unfair? We come to the university and get a lot of advice from professors and teachers on how to be a successful student, get only excellent grades and become a good specialist. But for some reason, they do not ask us what the teachers should be from the point of view of the students. The article on your screen is the answer to this question.

Tune in for Studies After Your Holidays

Mental Practice

Students think this way: "it is the end of the summer, and I will immediately set my sights on studying. At once". If everything happened so instantly, then all people would be billionaires at the click of their fingers. Nothing happens so simply. It is necessary to switch gradually from the summer vacation regime to the studying one.

Eight Principles of a Successful Student

Next Exit Success

Congratulations, you are a student! Maybe a freshman, but maybe you start your academic year in university not the first time. Favorite professors are ready to teach everything that is useful and that is not useful in professional activity, but who will teach how to be a student? Perhaps this article will help you a little.

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